Winter 2018 – 2019

We welcome this incremental light washing over our lengthening days, taking stock of all that darkness revealed and continues to teach us. How are we most mirroring what the world yearns to become? At WILDSEED we’ve been doing some deep internal work: inaugurating a Cambium Council to support us in the next stage of growth, mobilizing financial…

2017 Recap

2017 was a year teeming with change, wrought with unnatural disasters, ripe with creative interventions and affirmations of why we are alive right now. We witnessed and endured stark reminders of why this sanctuary is vital in a time of increased violence, environmental upheaval and uncertainty.   We hosted a multitude of community organizers, educators, artists, youth, elders, ecologists, former political…

WILDSEED [wahyld-seed] noun 1) untamed, de-domesticated vessels of life’s potency. The blueprint for unhindered lineages of liberation contained in each of us. Fertile ground on which to plant our wildest dreams. 2) an emerging Black and Brown-led, feminine-centered, queer-loving, earth-based intentional community, organic farm, healing sanctuary, and political and creative home forming on 181 acres…